Friday, March 11, 2011

Bystander Intervention Lesson Plan

Danni Gilbert from Idaho sent us this detailed lesson plan for teaching Bystander Intervention (Thanks Danni!). That link takes you to a page that includes a detailed description of the lesson, including all the materials you need and a good description of how the lesson authors incorporated assessments into the activity in order to see what learning occurred as a result of the activity (which, as an assessment-geek, I LOVE to see!). It looks like the lesson could easily be extended to include fundamental attribution error and other social psych concepts. Good stuff!

A previous post on this blog includes other resources that might be useful in teaching about the Bystander effect, including a list of videos (note: I checked some of the links to videos and it looks like some of them might be broken now, but most work).

Many folks use the tragic story of Kitty Genovese's murder to explore the potential dangers of bystander effect, and this summary of Darley and Latane's original research is pretty accessible reading for psych students.

posted by Rob McEntarffer

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