Tuesday, February 15, 2011

V.S. Rmachandran--His Books and a Couple Videos

A few years ago, I read V.S. Ramachandran's book on Phantom Limb Syndrome for a brain course I was taking.  I've also seen him as a narrator or expert on multiple series.  He offers a refreshing and understandable explanation of how the human brain works.

On 2/14/2011, NPR's Fresh Air did a review of his newest book called "The Tell-Tale Brain: A Neuroscientist's Quest for What Makes Us Human."  The review speaks well of Ramachandran's book and there is an excerpt in the article.  They also have a wonderful 18-minute story and conversation with the good doctor.  Below are links to purchase his books--they make for wonderful reading for both student and teacher alike.  I am also including a couple of his videos.

posted by Chuck Schallhorn 

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