Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Announcing: a workshop for NC psychology teachers

Attention high school psychology teachers in North Carolina: hold the date of October 8! A new group, North Carolina Teachers of Psychology, has been formed (thanks to a grant by the APF) to provide professional development for and by high school psychology teachers, and our first workshop will be in Durham on Saturday, October 8. North Carolina has not had any sort of statewide group like this since the late 1990s, and we're excited to have a way to get together to get to know each other, share our knowledge and, we hope, to improve the teaching of psychology in high schools across the state.

If you are interested in attending, please e-mail me at ashejones@gmail.com (or steven.jones@dpsnc.net) with your name and the school where you teach. Even if you can't attend this workshop, we'll add you to our contact list for future meetings.

Also, if you know a high school teacher in NC (besides me!), please share this information with him or her. Thanks!

 -- posted by Steve

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