Wednesday, February 10, 2010

THSP Blog One Year Celebration

Today (02/10/10) marks the one year anniversary of the Teaching High School Psychology Blog. In the course of one year we have had over 380 postings and are currently receiving an around 10,000 hits a month. Thanks to everyone who has helped make the THSP Blog such a success.

In honor of our birthday, many of the textbook publishers have generously donated prize packages. Over the course of the next week and a half, we will have a number of contests and drawings to distribute those prizes to lucky psychology teachers.

On February 12th we will randomly pick winners from the list of Followers of the THSP Blog and from those who receive THSP Blog postings via Feedburner.

To become a Follower of the THSP Blog, simply go to the blog page at , then cursor down the left side column to the followers section. Click on the "sign up" link and follow the directions.

To receive the THSP Blog postings via Feedburner, go to the THSP Blog, then cursor down the left side column to the section entitled "Get Email Updates of the Teaching High School Psychology Blog" section. Enter your email address and click subscribe. You will then be sent a verification via email. Follow the directions in that email and you will start receiving a daily email update of the blog's postings and become eligible for the drawing.

We at the THSP Blog hope everyone has found our posting useful and pertinent to their teaching. Please feel to contact any of the blog's moderators if you have questions, comments, or suggestions. We are always looking for ways to improve.

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