Friday, December 4, 2009

American Psychological Foundation Pre-College Psychology Grant Program


American Psychological Foundation (APF) Mission and Funding

The APF provides financial support for innovative research and programs that enhance the power of psychology to elevate the human condition and advance human potential both now and in generations to come. It executes this mission through a broad range of scholarships and grants. For all of these, it encourages applications from individuals who represent diversity in race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, and sexual orientation.

The Pre-college program awards grants to individuals or institutions to advance psychological science in high schools. Its description, application requirements, and procedures appear below.


This program provides financial support for efforts aimed at improving the quality of education in psychological science and its application in the secondary schools. Proposals must focus on supplying education for talented high school students.

Program Goals

- Improve the quality of high-school education in psychology

- Encourage talented high school students to pursue careers in psychology

Funding Specifics

- Up to $20,000 annually

Eligibility Requirements

- Educational institution, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, or individual affiliated with qualifying institution

Evaluation Criteria

- Conformance with stated program goals

- Nature and magnitude of incremental contribution

- Capability for accomplishing the proposed work

- Likelihood of producing generalizable outcomes

Proposal Requirements

- Description of proposed project to include goal and its relation to the institution’s mission and target population, qualifications for execution, other participants and respective roles, intended outcomes and plan for achieving them, extent to which outcomes may generalize

Format: not to exceed 7 pages (1 inch margins, no smaller than 11 point font)

- Timeline for execution

- Full budget and justification (indirect costs not permitted)

- Current CV for project leader

Submission Process and Deadline

Submit a completed application online at by May 1, 2010.

Questions about this program should be directed to Kim Palmer Rowsome, Program Officer, at

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